Flourish, Part Three: Our True Identity Growing our Roots Deeper in our Identity Found in Christ in a World that Tries to Trip Us Up

Written by Madison Caffrey

You’re not good enough.

 I need to be more like her.

You’re too skinny.

You can be better than that.

I need to fit in.

You need to lose weight.

You aren’t pretty enough.

You are too awkward.

They would like me better if I just went along with what they said.


These are lies that constantly fill our heads or things we have heard at some point in our lives. If not once, maybe multiple times a day. It’s somehow engrained in our world that we need to constantly be competing with one another in order to get what we want out of our lives, in order to find our value.

For us ladies, it’s hard to not get caught up in all that this world has to offer. We easily find ourselves comparing ourselves to the girl who has a flawless image or the most adventurous instagram. We base our success off of how much we have gotten done in a day. We find assurance within ourselves if we somehow measure up better than the next girl or fit in with latest trends. We start to lose our real desires, the very core of us, and just try fit in with the things of this world.

Through all this chaos God speaks into our souls. Stop. Just stop it. I love who I have created you to be.


“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:13-14

God, our Eternal Father, made us exactly as He wanted. He took the time to craft us into perfection. He gave us everything from our laugh, to the feeling in our stomach when we get to eat our favorite food, to the rush we receive when we get to indulge in our favorite activity.

God views us precious in His sight. We are His children and in that we can find immense amount of joy.

“She is worth far more than rubies.” – Proverbs 31:10

We are so important to Jesus. We are worth far more to Him than valuable gems. We don’t need to look to things of this world to find value. No matter how crummy a day we have, or who is against us, at the end of the day we can rest assured that our value and identity is found in God, our Maker. That my sisters, is assuring.

The next time you look in the mirror, take a moment to take in all that God has gifted you with. Be thankful for the color of your skin, each hair on your head, the curves on your body, every freckle, every scar, every ounce of YOU. He has given you every desire. Don’t stomp those out but embrace them. That just adds to your unique personality. God made YOU beautiful. YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Lord, thank you for making me unique. I praise you that my identity can be found in you and not things of this world. Show me how I can embrace all that you have given me in order to glorify You and Your kingdom.

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